Yesterday Room 6 and Room 9 worked with Sally from Water Care on the 'Adopt a Stream' program. We carried out observations, tested the water for nitrate and PH levels and checked the turbidity of the water. We worked in groups to carry out these tasks and record our findings as we decided whether of not the water coming out of the storm water drain at Johnson Reserve was clean enough to drink.
Friday, 13 December 2013
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Mahdia's Selwyn College Orientation
This is my animoto on my tour around Selwyn College, I have chosen to go to Selwyn College as a year 9, so I decided to take pictures an show the world how excited I am. I cannot wait : ]
Year 8 Digital Tech: Candice
This is what I did at tech last week. It says my name with the pictures behind it to show some of the things that I love.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Andre helping Robbie
In Room 9 we work together to achieve goals. Andre is helping Robbie to achieve his goals by working with him to help him practice his English.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Rainbow's End by Jazmine
From where I was standing the rides looked terrifying and I felt frightened.
I was standing in front of the entrance to Rainbows End, I was with my cousins and my brother and we went there because we were being really good.
As my brother was paying for us a lady called Nicole put V.I.P stamp on us and Rainbows End wristband.
As I was walking through the gate my jaw dropped because the fear fall was really high, so I got into the fear fall line as my brother was holding tight. I was getting frightened even more because the line was getting shorter and shorter.
When I heard the work “next” my stomach had really bad butterflies that were flying around.
When I got into the seat I wanted the man to push the button so I could get this ride over and done with! The fear fall was slowly getting higher and higher and I was getting braver and braver but once we went down I was yelling and screaming. I dropped so fast it felt like the butterflies were trying to get out at the top of my head.
After the ride I felt happy because I faced my fears.
Friday, 22 November 2013
PBS... Milk In Schools
This week was our roll out of Fonterra's Milk In Schools at PBS. We know that by 'drinking it dry' and 'folding it flat' we are not only getting a yummy drink but we are also helping Fonterra to recycle the empty cartons so they can be used to make things like books and roof tiles. Thank you to Mrs Babich, Quaid, Bella and Kyra for being great milk monitors.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Room 9's Manaiakalani Film Festival Movie
Manaiakalani Swimming from Robyn Anderson on Vimeo.
Since 2001 an average 120 people a year have drowned in NZ waters because they didn't know how to keep themselves safe. The Water Safety NZ website highlights the fact that if kiwi kids don’t learn to swim the drowning rates in our country will become catastrophic, that means really bad! In term 3 learning to swim was important for all kids at PBS. So Room 9 want to share their message that swimming at school really is, cool!Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Hello Spring: Teagan
This is our presentation on the flowers around the Tamaki River. It is a photo essay. You will be amazed on how many beautiful flowers there are around our area.
Henry: Pollution Facts
Asmah: My Recycling Poster
This is Asmah's poster on recycling. This week is recycling week and we thought we should make posters on them.
Weathering and Erosion
Here is a presentation that Tienira, Leila, and Candice worked on today. It is about weathering and erosion. We hope you learn something new.
The Possibilities are ENDLESS... Just Recycle! by Suliasi
This is my poster on recycling the reason why my class is doing this topic is because of recycling week we all got to do one and had a lot of fun too.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Firework Safety Posters
Room 9 used these posters made in Google Draw to spread the message that it is important to be safe when using or watching fireworks.
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Friday, 25 October 2013
Narrative: Deannika
From where I stood it looked like the flames were swallowing the house. I coughed and coughed until I could catch some breath. As I fell to the ground I thought to myself “Are my parents alright?! I have to do something!” So I climbed up the tree that was outside of my mum and dads window, as I took a look inside all I could see was my mum panicking while squeezing my dad’s hand. I yelled out to them, “Mum!, Dad!”
They looked as I threw a rock through the window. I helped my mum and dad to get out safely. We ran around the back to have a look through the sliding door. But, we could only see one child. We grabbed the brick and smashed the door so we could get in, it was like we were stealing from our own house! But we weren't.
I ran up stairs to have a look for him but he wasn’t here and then I thought about the hut that our family built in the garage. So I sprinted as fast as I could. There he was, fast asleep on the bed. I held him close to me and met my family outside.
Me and my little brother ran to them and gave them a huge hug!Straight after we called the fire station and they came straight away. We all had to go to the hospital though to get a check up. We got out the next day and went straight home to clean it up. It was a frustrating journey but I was just thankful that my family was safe.
Everything went back to normal in no time, our family were as happy as we could ever be!
Year 8 Design Tech: Tienira
Here is a sketch on myself and I used Photoshop to do this. If you want to give it a try follow these instructions.
Photo Booth Instructions
1. Click on the spotlight
2. Type in “photo booth”
3. Click on the photo booth
4. Click on the red camera button to take a photo of yourself
5. Drag your photo onto the desktop
6. Close photo booth
Photoshop Instructions
1. Click on the spotlight
2. Type in “photoshop”
3. Click on adobe photoshop cs4
4. Click on file then open
5. click on the desktop icon
6. Choose the picture view
7. Click on the photo of yourself
8. Click on open
9. Click on window then workspace then essentials (default)
10. DRag the background layer into the create a new layer icon which is next to the mini rubbish bin
11. Change the opacity of the background copy layer to 80%
12. Click on the background layer and close the eye on the left to make the layer invisible
13. Click on the create a new layer icon
14. You should have three layers
15. Make sure that you are click onto layer one (it should be highlighted in blue)
16. Drag the bottom right hand corner of the image to stretch it out.
17. Click on the zoom button (magnifying glass) in te left tool bar, to zoom into the image.
18. Click on the option key and zoom button to zoom out of the image.
19. Click on the brush tool in the left tool bar.
20. Change the brush size to three in the menu bar.
21. Set the foreground colour to black and click on ok.
22. Use the brush tool to draw the outline of your photo including face, facial features, clothes and hair.
23. Click on the paint bucket tool in the left tool bar.
24. Set the foreground color to the colour you want to use.
25. Use the paint bucket to fill in different part of you sketch.
26. Click on file then save as.
27. Make sure to save your sketch to the desktop.
28. Make sure that you are logged in to your google drive.
29. Click on the upload button.
30. Click on file and then locate your sketch on the desktop.
31. Click on open.
Year 8 Design Tech: Mahdia
This is my sketch photo we had to write down the instructions and then follow it ourselves we first had to take a photo, then we dragged the picture to the desktop and we followed all the other instructions. Once we had finished doing the instructions we upload it on our google drive and we're done.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Narrative: Asmah
The Hungry
where I stood it looked like the flames were swallowing the house with its
bloody red fangs. Suddenly the smoke drifted towards me, I stared at it with
big panicked eyes. I kept on telling my legs to run but they had turned against
me and into wobbly jelly. The smoke soon trapped me in its prison. I couldn’t
help but fall to my knees, eyes closed and coughing. I could hear everyone’s
voices calling, shouting my name. I felt a pair of arms grab me. ‘No! No! Its
taking me into more smoke!’ I panicked as I struggled to open my eyes, my
vision had blurred.
Kate you’ve got to wake up! Please Kate. Please!” A voice cried as the pair of
arms carried my to safety. I was still coughing as the person laid me down on
the hot grass. The green, hot grass swayed in the breeze, tickling my face.
Someone began to shake me violently, screaming my name over and over again. The
screaming, coughing and shaking gave me a massive headache.
I opened my eyes to weak sunlight, after a few blinks my eyes went back to
their normal clear vision. Mum, Dad and my older brother Jake were hovering
over me, sighing with relief. I struggled to sit up. They all gave me a bone
crushing family hug, but I didn’t return it. I was too weak to even force a
fake smile.
let go of me. I need air.” I whimpered. They let go with a nervous laugh from
happened?” I asked as I searched through my memories to know the answer, but it
didn’t come, my memories were blank.
father left some spare papers on his desk, somehow the papers flew off covering
the electric heater causing a fire in the house. As we were running away from
the house, you for some reason, stood there watching the house burn. We called
your name several times but you wouldn’t move. Thankfully, Troy was able to get
you out before the flames touched you.” Mum stepped back and there stood Mr
Popularity, Troy. He grinned so wide I’m sure his cheekbones were hurting.
what happens now?” Jake asked.
going to move to a different house.” Dad said simply as if moving wasn’t a big
deal to him, but it was to Jake and mostly me. I watched as the firemen put out
the flames.
a couple of days we moved to a new house, this house was more comfortable
looking than our last one. From that day on my life became way different, but
in some ways it stayed the same.
Comparisons by Pah Nwee
LI: To find the thing things that are the same and the things that are different with bears and lions
Lions | Same | Bears |
Live in a pride
Live in Africa
Big Cat
Have whiskers
The mum carries her baby in her mouth
They sleep on the trees and on the ground
They have paws, claws,
sharp teeth
Eat fish eat flowers
Can walk on two legs
Makes a den under a rock
The polar bear eat seals
and they live in ice.
The polar bear they swim
under the ice
The polar they looking for fish and seal in the water.
Pah Nwee read two books. One was called 'The Lion" and the other was called 'Bears". After he had finished the books we used the white hat to help us find information. Pah Nwee was able to talk about the lions and the bears and used the information he found to find out what was the same and what was different between the two animals.
Pah Nwee's Voice Thread
To practise his reading Pah Nwee read the text 'The Lion' onto Voice Thread. It helps him to listen to himself read on his netbook.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Kane, Phoenix, Piripi , Isaac and Aryan's Writing Toolkit
Kane, Phoenix, Piripi and Aryan created this presentation to help them think about the language features they need to be using to move their writing to the next level.
The boys have created this presentation to help them think about the language features they need to be using to move their writing to the next level.
Puke, Roswell, Jacob and Michael's Writing Toolkit
The boys have created this presentation to help them think about the language features they need to be using to move their writing to the next level.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Candice's Orientation
It was a lovely summers day on Saturday morning, just the right day to go fishing! Bob was on his way to the nearest wharf, which was in Panmure. He was so excited to catch a nice size snapper, and enjoy the peaceful vibe of being out in the sea.
“Finally” he sighed, we are here! He hopped out of his car but forgot to put the handbrake on, not knowing there was a small hill. As he attempted to gather his gear out of the boat, the car decided it would roll down the small but very steep hill leading it into the welcoming water. “This is a disaster” Bob thought to himself! FUMING with frustration as the unpleasant the wharf was laughing at him as it stole his car.
Asmah's Orientation
LI: Write an orientation that hooks the reader in.
‘I hate this! I hate this! I hate this!’ I screamed in my head as Dad was taking out the bait and rods out of the backseat of the car.
“Alright Alex, now park the car.” Dad instructed as he gently closed the door, stepping back he nodded at me to go for it. I sighed and gave a low groan under my breath. Suddenly something vibrated in my pocket, searching through my pocket of my pants, I took out my phone and pressed it against my ear as I parked the car on the scorching sand. ‘This seems to be a good place’ I thought as I turned off the angry car and stepped out on the sand, my flip-flops scrunching the tiny shells under my feet. As I was walking away from the car,
“Alex! Look at what you’ve done!!!” Dad hollered at me with horror. He pointed behind me and I gave him a puzzled look.
“What are you talking...” My words were lost as my eyes had widened with the first shock this morning. The car was taking a swim, as if the heat of the sun was too much for it to bear.
Jacob's Orientation
Beep!!, Beep!! sounded as Steve beeped the horn while he was speeding down the highway in my favourite 4 wheel drive to go catch some fish. Steve got to the beach and paused, he gazed at an old friend/Daniel from high school. They strolled to go eat some burgers to catch up and see what is happening. He talked and talked until his friend Screamed, “LOOK!!!, your car is going into the water”. Steve watched as his car dived into the water and for a swim. Steve thought, “what did I forget to do or did someone else do it”..........
Deannika's Fantasy Island
This is what Deannika worked on while the year 7/8's went on camp. Inside is what she had to do, like make up her own Fantasy Island, and make new things like a new National Anthem and a new flag.
Deannika's Keyboard skills
Deannika has been practicing her key board skills, and she been trying hard. She has put a lot of effort into her work and as you can see she has done 34 words per minute.
Asmah and Tienira's BODMAS
These are Asmah and Tienira's results from the BODMAS challenge. They were practising solving linear equations by thinking carefully about the order of operations.
Other things
It tells you the order of how to solve the equation.
Kyra's Orientation
LI: Write an orientation that hooks the reader in.
As strange as it may seem I just looked in horror as I found myself driving off the shore into the freezing cold water. I was so sure that I put my breaks on or had I ? Unfortunately for me I realised that instead of putting the handbrake on I accidently put it into gear which made me go straight into the water! "Uh ohh!" I gasped for air as I glanced at my brand new truck sinking into the water. I was wondering what would happen next. I had all my belongings in the truck! As I wondered what would happen next I rang the Tower Company and crossed my fingers and hoped that I had paid the car insurance!
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Celebrating Room 9's Work
How exciting to know that our blog posts are reaching a wide audience. We were asked by Stacey from the Auckland Biosecurity Council if they could share one of our blog posts on the Kauri Dieback website. The link below will take you to the site where Jacob, Teagan and Kane's Prezi is featured.
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Five Minutes at Camp by Henry
My heart was racing and my head was pounding. I knew I could do it. While I was putting the harness on I was mentally getting myself ready. It was time to climb.
As I took my first step I was terrified so I inched my way up the ladder. It was not long until I started shaking, my palms were sweating so much I thought I was going to lose my grip. I could see heaven. I could taste the fear in my mouth.
When I got to the top I hugged the pole with all my might before Jonny made me let go. I began to walk across. I think I was walking like my hundred year old grandpa! I didn't want to do it but I had friends cheering me on. I didn't want to disappoint them so I pulled my socks up and walked across with confidence. I was really proud of myself because I had challenged myself.
I soon found out that the scary part was still to come. I had to jump off! I was panicking in my head and thinking "How is this rope going to hold me?" Eventually I took a breath and swung down.
As I took my first step I was terrified so I inched my way up the ladder. It was not long until I started shaking, my palms were sweating so much I thought I was going to lose my grip. I could see heaven. I could taste the fear in my mouth.
When I got to the top I hugged the pole with all my might before Jonny made me let go. I began to walk across. I think I was walking like my hundred year old grandpa! I didn't want to do it but I had friends cheering me on. I didn't want to disappoint them so I pulled my socks up and walked across with confidence. I was really proud of myself because I had challenged myself.
I soon found out that the scary part was still to come. I had to jump off! I was panicking in my head and thinking "How is this rope going to hold me?" Eventually I took a breath and swung down.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
This Land poster by Piripi
This is my Google draw about Panmure Bridge's production. Our production item is about the battle of the mountain's and tells the story of five mountains battling for one mountain's love.
Author Visit by Dallas
Make your own slideshow at Animoto.
This is an animoto that I made about Tony Williams I hope you enjoy it.
My Camp Experience by Jacob
Try our slideshow maker at Animoto.
This is my Animoto on last weeks camp experience. We all had a lot of fun doing all the activities. I enjoyed doing archery and eating the food. At night most people wouldn't go to sleep.
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