LI: To make a DLO to show information about Pandas.
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
Research: Diana
Cybersmart: David
LI: To make a DLO about being cybersmart.
Cybersmart is a term of using learn, create, and share on your computer by using smart and clever ways.
For those who are new to keyboards, they have shortcuts, some are:
Ctrl + Z to undo
Ctrl + Y to Redo
Ctrl + C to Copy
Ctrl + V to Paste
And loads more.
Being cybersmart is important because if you don’t make wise choices online people your actions might have big consequences.
This activity was enjoyable because all of my ideas come from my prior knowledge about being cybersmart but some ideas are from websites and wrie in my own words.
Virtual Adventure: Chris
Giant Panda Research: Fau, Leon and Chris
L.I: To use our smart searching skills to find information about the giant panda
Our activity for today was researching about Giant pandas. We created paragraphs to inform interesting facts and things about giant pandas. In our task we had to write down information about pandas on a note sheet. After writing down our information we wrote down paragraphs. The paragraphs was basically used to sum up our information that we wrote down on our note sheet. After writing everything down we created a DLO which had all the information about Giant pandas. We found this activity interesting and also gave us the opportunity to find out more about Giant Pandas and how they survive in the wild. One interesting fact I learnt about Giant pandas is that they consume around 44lb (20kgs) of bamboo.
Cybersmart: Chris
LI: to give a helpful tip to people about Cybersmart
Our Cybersmart activity was to give a tip about Cybersmart. It could be anything like cleaning your drive or even something like organizing your bookmarks. My tip was about how to hold a chromebook in the proper manner or the proper way. I feel like this is a good tip, because Panmure Bridge is a digital school and start using chromebooks at Yr 4. In my DLO it shows a photo of me on how to hold a chromebook, and instructions on how you should hold it. Then lastly why you should hold it like that.
Giant Panda Research | Writing: Juel, Sulia and Farzana
Monday, 1 March 2021
Tatau: Spelman
L.I: To create a DLO that tells others about tatau.
Today I made a DLO about my cultures tattooing. I used my smart searching skills, I needed to out find what tattoo is in Tongan and samoan, also the meaning. There is a picture showing of what a Tongan tattoo is. Tattoo in Tongan is tatatau and tattoo in samoan is tatau. The tattooing represented the individuals love, loyalty, to their family or 'aiga, and the new responsibilities they had to bear. The Tongan tatau represented Tongan society and the journey of the Tongans past, present and future.
I found quite hard was to find the meaning because there was website that didn't have the meaning of the tradtional tatau. A fact I found interesting was in Tonga, tattooing was a vibrant part of the culture until the early 1800s. I enjoyed this activty because I learnt new things about tattooing in my culture.
Cultural Art: Spelman
Inspired by art creations by Raku Inoue we went outside and collected leaves, twigs, and other plant debris to create our own cultural pattern or symbol. I thought of making a butterfly for my creation. I collected two big leaves and two small sized leaves. I also collected 6 regular sized yellow dandilions, one big yellow dandilion, one meduim sized stick, two small sized sticks.
I found it quite hard was getting a medium sized stick because there mutiple of large sticks and small sized twigs. I enjoyed this activity because I get to show my creation and show people that they can make a creation of there own. An interesting fact I found out about Raku Inoue is that you can be really creative of what the things you are making.
Tatau: Aisea
LI: To create a DLO that tells others about tatau.
Cultural Art: Carson
Cultural Art - Pepe - Butterfly: Taua
This week I used things outside to make an insect.
At first this challenge was pretty hard because I didn't know what insect I should of made. But the most easy insect to make was a butterfly. First I grabbed one big rock and one small rock. Then I got four big leaves and two small plant stems. I thought this activity was pretty easy because I knew the parts of a butterfly.
The Tongan word for butterfly is pepe.
There is a lady in Tonga that is called the butterfly lady.
Cultural Art: Moti
LI: To create a piece of cultural art
Cultural Art: Texas
Today this art was inspired by Raku Inoue. For this task we had to go outside and collect leaves, petals and twigs and create our own culture pattern. For my art I created a dragonfly I collected 4 leaves one sharp stick, 2 twigs and 4 flowers.
This task for me was really hard because I had to go outside and try to find sticks and leaves. But at the same time I enjoyed making my own design using sticks and leaves.
Tatau: David
LI: To create a DLO that tells others about tatau.
Tattooing has played an important part in many cultures over time. Our challenge was to use our smart searching skills to find out about traditional tattooing in our own culture.
I found it quite hard to research because Myanmar is a weathly place but it does have the information that I need but sometimes not
I enjoyed it because I get to talk about how my home country make and do the tattos and the history of it.
An interesting fact I found out about the tatau is that womans have tattoos that most.
Kapa Haka: kruse
Tatau: Leon
L.I: To create a DLO that tells others about tatau

Today I did one of the activites that Mrs Anderson put up for us. I did the Tatau challenge. Basically what I had to do in this challenge was research some information about the Tatau. Some things I learnt about the Tatau was that its name was created by two fijian women. The traditional tattoo represents something that they are resepcted for. Some of them are like status, power, honor and pride. Those are only a few but there's more. The samoan people who have no traditonal tattoo's are called telefua/telenoa which means naked. One of the most used tattoo's are called the pe'a. The pe'a is only used on men. Sometimes on younger kids, specifically on kids who started their puberty. The pe'a goes from the waist to the knees. Each section represnts the person who has the Pe'a, their culture and family. The most popular female tattoo is called the Malu. It goes from the upper thighs and the knees below. I enjoyed this task because I got to learn more about my own culture and the origin of the Tatau.
TEEL Paragraphs: Tanisha
LI: To use powerful words and transitional vocabulary to make our writing more interesting
This week we have been learning to use transitional vocabulary to help us link ideas between the sentences in our paragraph. The transitional words are like the doors we walk through and to show how this works in writing we have highlighted them. I enjoyed this activity because we got to try using new words in our writing and we worked collaboratively so we got to share our ideas.
T.E.E.L Paragraph: Heavenly
L.I: To understand how TEEL paragraphs can help us structure our information and ideas in a paragraph.
Sporcle Challenge: Liletina
L.I To create an DLO about the Sporcle Challenge.
The DLO showing above was worked collaboratively with my partner. We wrote what we enjoyed and what the challenge is. We first went onto the website and read the introductions to understand what the game is about and How we can play. We also then find quizzes that gives us more understanding into learning what the topic is about.
Distance Learning - Cultural Art: Ong
LI: to keep our learning going.
Tatau: Afa
LI: To create a DLO that tells others about tatau.
Tatau: Juel
LI: To create a DLO that tells others about tatau
Virtual Adventure | Distance Learning: Lukah
Virtual Adventure: Chris
P.E Infinity Tag & Stuck in the Mud: Bella
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