
Friday, 19 February 2021

The Qualities of a Good Leader by Bella, Chris, Juel, Farzana and Kauri-Tinielle

LI: To unpack what leadership looks like.

Our Inquiry objective was to think and learn about the four important qualities of a good and reliable leader and what leadership looks like.

In our groups, we started by talking about the four qualities of a good leader and the definition of each quality. The four qualities of a good leader are: leadership, responsibility, being a role-model and team work.

One we defined each quality, we wrote down as many words as we could that related to the qualities of a good leader.

After this, our group came together to write a 25 word paragraph that talks about the qualities of a good leader. We used the words that we picked out from the list to create this paragraph. 

Finally, we created an infographic poster (using a google draw) to  define the four qualities a good leader should have.

I enjoyed creating the 25 word paragraph summary because I was able to define what a good leader looks like from my perspective and share what I think a quality leader should be and their expected capabilities.

Statistical Investigation by Lukah

 L.I To plan and carry out a statistical investigation.

Today LS2 worked together in partners to analyse one of four topics. In this maths session we chose four questions for people to answer (what is your favourite colour, etc), and we recorded those answers on a piece of paper. Second we chose one question out of the four and used that for our graph. We used the data from the paper and created a pie chart on google sheets. We then created a summary of the data we had recorded.

Statistical Investigation by Moti



Leadership by Vayan, Fau, Aisea, Ong, Chisa and Azatulah

LI: To unpack what a leader looks like


We unpacked the meaning of leadership and what it takes to be a leader. We wrote down the meaning of 4 different words team, leadership, role model, and responsibility which are all good qualities to have as a leader. We listed as many words as possible linked to leadership. Using these words we created a 25 word summary explaining what a leader is. After this we made a collaborative DLO explaining all the subjects we learnt in the session. 

Cybersmart Challenge by Heavenly

 L.I: Be cybersmart and use our devices to learn, create and share.

For this cybersmart challenge I had to fill in links that are apart of my learning and I just put in all the links like my Blog link, Class website link, Class blog link, my school website link and the PBS website link. The last slide I had to fill in was about my class call in lock down and I wrote down all the things you might have to or not do as you're in a call with LS2. This might help if its your first time in a lock down class call.

Monday, 15 February 2021

Introducing our 2021 Panmure Bridge School Leaders...

 2021 Panmure Bridge School Student Leadership Team

Chris and Sulia
Head Students

Lukah and Fau
Manaiakalani Leaders

Afa and Liletina
Sports Leaders

Why it is important to be Hydrated...

LI: to understand why staying hydrated is important for our health and learning.

Last week we looked at the importance of staying hydrated, especially in the warmer weather. To remind everyone to drink water we have set up a 'hydration station' in our classroom. The DLOs below are an example of one of our collaborative challenges to help us get to know each other, and learn to work together.

David, Ariana, Kruse, Vayan and Joshua

Have look at Vayan's blog to see this group's learning.

Bella, Farzana, Ong and Juel

Have a look at Bella's blog to see this group's learning.

Chris, Azatulah, Oscar and Lukah