
Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Gymnastics by Angela

Today we had our second session of Gymnastic. We first started with making our body flexible. We then went thought our activity. This is a DLO that we have created to compare our selves with a profession gymnastic. We compared our eye contact, our body shape and how our hands were position. My favourite activity in gymnastics was the trampoline we needed to do dive rolls. This was quite easy for me as I already knew how to roll.

Kiwi Can by Nevaeh

This term in Kiwi Can our topic is Integrity. Integrity is thinking about what you do when you do something when no one is looking. An example of this is owning up to what you did. What I found about integrity is that you have to be honest to everything you do.

140th Grimit Anniversary Speech by Nidhi

On Friday 10th May I gave a speech at the Fiji Girmit foundation NZ gathering. Girmit is the time when people from India were taken in boats to Fiji to do sugarcane farming. The word girmit comes from the word agreement. This year it is 140 years of indians in Fiji so The Fiji Girmit Foundation of NZ organised an event to honor our girmit ancestors.  I said a speech in front of more then 500 people. I was a bit nervous before going on stage but when it was my turn I just went on stage and said it. I was very proud of myself and so were my parents and the people who were there. I met a lot of people there. Everyone said that I am a very confident speaker. The chief guest for the event was Rt Honorable Sir Anand Satayanand. I was given the opportunity to garland him. I heard in the speeches that he was the Governer General in New Zealand from 2006 to 2011. A googled what a Governor General is and I found out that he is a powerful person who reports to the queen. I also met Phoenix striker, the famous Roy Krishna who was at the event to receive an award.

It was an interesting evening for me. I saw a lot of Ministers and also learnt more about my ancestors and their history. I am now interested to learn more and plan to do some research on my roots.

Gymnastics by Aung Naing

This weeks gymnastics session we were doing the same activities, but changed up a little bit. I made a comparison between a real gymnast and me. I chose a photo of me walking on the beam and a photo of a gymnast doing it. I had my eyes down, bent arms and cover legs.The real gymnast had eyes straight, straight arms and straight legs. What I found challenging at gymnastics was doing a backward roll on the mat.

Ballet by Eyaka

In Monday we had a oppurtunity to learn Ballet with Chloe she is our dance educator from RNZB
(Royal New Zealand Ballet). We learned about different movements in the Ballet and taught us to do the current show Black Swan, White Swan it is the based on the famous ballet Swan Lake. We have a Classical Music named Tchaikovskey. We work collaboratively and we really had fun doing ballet.

Thank you to Chloe for teaching us a different movement in the Ballet and to Mrs. Jones for giving us a oppurtunity to learn about the ballet.