
Thursday, 23 November 2017

Learning to Motivate - by Carl

This week we have been focusing on leadership. Leadership is not about being a boss, leadership is about motivating the other students and helping them. We did a role play to show motivation. We are learning how to be good leaders. It was fun showing motivation how we could motivate other students using role play. 

Why Your Teeth Should Stay Healthy - Eric, Lyric and AJ

This week LS2 have been focusing on sharing a community message. Eric, Lyric and I created a prezi to show our learning. In our prezi we talked about why your teeth should stay healthy and what happens if you don't keep them healthy. Our targeted audience is Room 5.

Problem Solving Screencastify - by Sky and Hajera

Hajera and I were focusing on our Maths today. We made a screencastify to show the strategy we used to solve a problem. We think we explained our thinking clearly.

Problem Solving Screencastify - by Calvin and Harlem M

Yesterday my partner Harlem and I started creating a DLO about a problem solving Mrs Anderson gave us to do. We could use any strategy we could like to solve the maths problem. Our problem involved times tables,doubles and everything we could use to solve it. The most challenging part about this was trying to pick what strategy to use because there were heaps. I loved doing this activity and hopefully my partner did as well.

Fire Station visit by Nickaela

Yesterday  LS2 went to the Fire Station because this term we  have been busy learning about the people in our local community. The fire fighters cut open a car with a tools that are called 'jaws of life'. They used these cutters and spreaders to show us how they rescue people in cars. The fire service are also first responder's in a emergency. They gave us examples of how to avoid fires like switching off heaters and plugs while you sleep, or switching off the pan when you are not cooking. It was really fun and I learned a lot of new ways to stay safe. 

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Film Festival - Happy Birthday PBS

It's PBS's 60th birthday. We made this movie for our Dancing through the Decades production. Happy Birthday Panmure Bridge.