
Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Maths 2014 (Transferred from 2014 Maths 'page')

3d Shape Challenge



Today some of our Year 3 friends from Room 3 joined us at Maths time. Asmah created this Animoto of Najib, Kiana and Pua playing fly swat. This game is to help them practise their basic facts and spelling.

Fine's Strategy

Place Value Revision

Thinking Group Challenges

After working collaboratively to solve number challenges each group selects the strategy they feel best solved the problem then shares it with the class. This is one way we learn with each other and from each other.

Listen to the strategy Yvette uses to solve her Maths challenge. What strategy would you have used?

Halatoa, Pah Nwee, Efaraima and Robbie have been learning about equivalent fractions. The images below show some of the connections they made.

Working with Miss Paton

Click on this link to view my move note presentation on how I solved this Maths problem.

This is our collaborative problem solving in thinking groups. Have a look at the different strategies we used. 

This term we are practising showing our thinking by explaining the strategies we are using to solve number problems. We all work in thinking groups to help each other learn. 

In Maths each group looked at the number knowledge they needed to move their understanding in Maths to the next stage. They used their self directed learning skills to decided what their own next steps were and who could help them achieve these goals. 

Tim's Fast Factors Certificate shows he is able to recall his 5x quickly.

This is Fast Factors 5x's Table Certificate 35 Seconds. I think I am really proud of myself because I am really good at my 5x's table. I think I need to know the answer Straight away without working out the question and taking more time on the timer. I have never been on Fast Factors since last year when Miss Paton ( My Last Year Teacher) Introduced Room 5 to it. I haven't tried Fast Factors Last Year Because I didn't pass the XtraMaths so I never got a chance. But this year Miss Anderson Gave everyone a chance to go on fast factors and learn their Times Table and I think I need to work on my 7, 8, 9 and 12. The rest well lets just leave that to a pat on the back. I am really proud of myself for making my Fast Factors debut and experience what Fast Factors is like.  

Tim, Yvette, Samantha and Fine are using the Ipad to show their Maths thinking by explaining the strategies they are using to help them solve number problems.

   Tim                                      Samantha

 Fine                                   Yvette

Fine created a survey using google forms to find out Room 9's cultures. The graph below shows her results.

Kapri created a survey using google forms to find out Room 9's favourite desserts. The graph below shows her results.

Jazmine used google forms to create a survey that I have gave to Room 9 to fill out so that we all know what room 9's favourite music is.

Jacob's graph shows what room 9's favourite colour is. Blue is room 9's favourite colour. Red is the second favourite colour.

Puke explains his Maths thinking by showing how he used the number line to help him understand the strategy.

Joshua explains his Maths thinking by showing how he used the number line to help him understand the strategy.
Fine's learning intention was to solve problems like 882 - 597=.. by first subtracting a tidy number and then adding on a small number to get the answer. Her presentation explains how she has used this strategy to help her find the answer.

Asmah's learning intention was to solve problems like 613 - 398 = … by first subtracting a tidy number and then adding on a small number to get the answer. Have a look at her google draw presentation which shows her thinking.

Oxsanah explains the strategy she has used to solve a number problem like 
13 + ___ =61

The Hexagon group analysed their e- asTTle learning pathways and have set these goals for themselves

Today the Pentagon group were learning to solve problems like 
13 + ....  = 91

by jumping up by a tidy number on the number line, then jumping back a small number. The photos show them demonstrating their understanding of the strategy they were using.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Experimenting with the underwater camera

Shantay and Jharda'e had fun experimenting with the underwater camera in the pool yesterday. 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Hexagon Group's 3D Challenge

Today's challenge was to create 3d shapes using the same polygon on each face. Once this had been completed, and the process photographed, the groups were asked to work collaboratively to create a presentation (of their choice) to share their learning. No instructions were given... just hints like the one that reminded the groups to record all the questions they asked each other. This is all their own work and was confidently presented to the class to show their understanding. Great work everyone!

Pentagon Group's 3D Challenge


Today's challenge was to create 3d shapes using the same polygon on each face. Once this had been completed, and the process photographed, the groups were asked to work collaboratively to create a presentation (of their choice) to share their learning. No instructions were given... just hints like the one that reminded the groups to record all the questions they asked each other. This is all their own work and was confidently presented to the class to show their understanding. Great work everyone!

Heptagon Groups 3D Challenge

Today's challenge was to create 3d shapes using the same polygon on each face. Once this had been completed, and the process photographed, the groups were asked to work collaboratively to create a presentation (of their choice) to share their learning. No instructions were given... just hints like the one that reminded the groups to record all the questions they asked each other. This is all their own work and was confidently presented to the class to show their understanding. Great work everyone!

Square Group's 3D Challenge

Today's challenge was to create 3d shapes using the same polygon on each face. Once this had been completed, and the process photographed, the groups were asked to work collaboratively to create a presentation (of their choice) to share their learning. No instructions were given... just hints like the one that reminded the groups to record all the questions they asked each other. This is all their own work and was confidently presented to the class to show their understanding. Great work everyone!